The writing life is a great life.
I love being able to avoid the "rat race" -- and just sit in a quiet, peaceful room all day ... thinking, reading, and writing for my clients.
Now, I'm neither the most prolific writer in the world ... nor the most successful.
I've never had a best-seller, written for TV, or scripted a Hollywood blockbuster.
Yet, though most people have never heard of me, I've been making a handsome living as a full-time freelance writer since 1982 - and for every year of that except the first two, have broken the six figure mark....
... writing everything from articles, columns, and books ... to home study courses and ad copy, to Web sites and direct mail packages ... for publishers, small businesses, and corporate clients worldwide.
As a result, I became a self-made multi-millionaire while still in my 30s ... even though a recent survey from the American Society of Journalists and Authors revealed that almost 7 out of 10 freelance journalists earn less than $50,000 a year.
So ... how come, in a society where writers earn a modest wage, I regularly earn a million dollars from my freelance writing every 2 years?
Here's the amazing secret: making $100,000 a year or more as a freelance writer is not at all difficult.
In fact, it's surprisingly easy to make a lot of money writing ... as long as you know the few dozen proven tricks and techniques that I want to teach you. If you will let me.
Make $100,000 a year as a freelance writer
In my best-selling writer's manual, Write and Grow Rich, I share with you proven, utterly pragmatic methods you can use to quickly and easily start and run your own $100,000-a-year freelance writing business.
- How to break into the lucrative corporate writing market ... even when you're a novice and have little or no business experience. See page 10.
- The 10 most common freelance writing mistakes ... and how to avoid each. Page 38.
- How to ask for – and get – the fees you deserve. Page 56.
- Finding and working with an agent – is it for you? Page 72.
- How to quickly and easily create a simple business plan - in less than 3 minutes -- that will increase your freelance writing income to $100,000 a year or beyond. So simple, you can write it on the back of an envelope. Page 3.
- Powerful negotiating tactics that can help you talk your editors and clients into paying you more money for nearly every job you write for them. Page 18.
- The only 2 ways to get rich writing ... and why most writers seem to deliberately choose poverty over wealth. It starts on page 2.
- Specialists earn $10,000 to $25,000 or more a year than generalists, and have a much easier time finding work. Don't have a writing specialty? Here's how to get one you'll absolutely love - and fast. Page 6.
- Make money by self-publishing and marketing your own writing. Eliminate rejections and the middleman … keep all the profits. Page 69.
- 5 ways to get rich with online writing ... and 2 ways not to. Discover why almost everything you've heard about making money by writing for the Internet is wrong ... and where the money really is. Page 21.
- A painfully shy introvert’s guide to networking with prospects, editors, and fellow writers. Page 78.
- 10 essential rules for running a successful freelance writing business. Ignore them at your peril. Page 45.
- Where and how to set up your office. Page 82.
- Make more money as a writer by getting twice as much done in half the time. 9 personal productivity secrets that can send your freelance writing income through the roof. Page 15.
- 7 ways to double your freelance writing rates this year ... and get editors and clients to happily give you more money. Page 42.
- Ivy Lee’s secrets for successful public relations (PR) writing. Page 84.
- How to accelerate your freelance writing career by publishing your own e-newsletter ... and giving it away for free - as crazy as that sounds. Page 31.
- Earn $2,000 a day supplementing your freelance writing with lucrative consulting assignments. Page 86.
- Keep more of the money you make: personal finance secrets for freelance writers. Page 93.
- There are only 4 ways to break out of low-paying writing and become a highly paid, in-demand writer. Can you name them all? See page 18.
- Every six-figure freelance writer needs a Web site ... and here's what you should have on yours. Page 34.
- 5 things you can do to get lucrative assignments from local small businesses and big national corporations - even if you've never done any business writing before. Page 10.
- 6 steps to convincing clients that only YOU can handle their next writing assignment. Page 8.
- What to do when you hand in your copy and the editor or client says, "I don't like it." Page 36.
- Why clients rewrite copy – and how to handle it. Page 80.
- The 6 biggest time wasters for freelance writers ... and how to avoid each. Page 15.
- What every freelance writer should know about blogging. Page 28.
- Using direct mail to generate leads for your freelance writing services – I used this method to generate a 10% response for my own copywriting services. Page 53.
- How to "bait your hook" with an irresistible offer they can't refuse when "fishing" for new writing clients. Page 24.
- 22 more secrets for boosting your writing profits. Recent survey shows that freelance writers earning $60,000 a year or more consistently do these 22 things ... while those who earn less hardly do them at all. Page 48.
- Can you imagine getting paid more to talk about writing than to actually write? Your fellow writers are routinely making $1,000 to $5,000 a day giving talks and seminars. Why not you? Page 100.
- Big bucks in PR writing. Ivy Lee, advisor to steel magnate Charles Schwab, reveals how to make money getting publicity for business clients. Page 84.
- How Richard Armstrong went from getting paid $2,500 per direct mail letter to $22,500 per sales letter … by turning business away! Page 95.
- The average consultant earns $2,000 a day for telling other people what to do. Here’s how to make money consulting on your area of expertise for similar fees. Page 86.
- Any freelance writer with a six-figure income can easily retire a millionaire by age 50 – or even 40 -- by following these simple investment strategies. Page 93.
"Bob's advice and mentorship has meant I've ALWAYS kept my pipeline full and stayed in demand!" -- Tal Sam
"A super thank-you for the collection of universal truths ala copywriting behaviors written in Write and Grow Rich. I wanted to let you know in 2008 I am taking my rather successful business into the heights of top-shelf success. Write and Grow Rich has been more than an inspiration, it’s a true road map. I’m very grateful that you have given back to the world with that kind of writing. Because of it, I’m able to inspire more clients to commit to their outgoing messaging and I’m more rewarded because of it." -- Joseph Coplans
"I'm only on page 8, but I've already read the answer to my most burning question and enough career-making advice to remind me why I trust and like you. No hype, no crazy claims or inflating the truth. Just intelligent, honest, and direct writing that is practically valuable and keeps the goal within reach. I have been trying, desperately, not to accumulate any more material on the subject of copywriting, but I couldn't resist you and yours! And I'm glad I didn't." -- Celeste Warrington
"The book has helped me identify very lucrative industries I can break into and ways to do so. I went from scratching my head and wondering how to get more work, to already finding two new clients and being booked solid for the next two months. Your ideas will make me thousands and thousands of dollars in income and help me seriously step up my game." -- Pascal Schafft
"Bob your book "Write and Grow Rich" helped me got more clients than I could ever handle... and your book about the financial service industry inspired me to specialize as a financial copywriter. Thanks to your advice I'm well on my way to DOUBLE my income this year... and I'm confident I can double it again in 2018. Thank you so much!" --Pascal Schafft
To order your copy of Write and Grow Rich on a 90-day risk-free trial basis, just click below now:

Make your dreams of freelance writing success come true
As I mentioned at the beginning of this letter, I have made millions of dollars from my freelance writing.
Of course, a million dollars is not as much today as it was a generation ago. So I would not say I am wealthy.
But I'm what some people would say is "well off" ... or at least "comfortable."
I own a 10-room home worth more than a million dollars, which I paid for with cash. I have no mortgage or consumer debt of any kind.
When I need a car, I buy a new one from the dealer for cash -- and the last one cost about $35,000!
I work in jeans and sneakers - no more suit and tie, commuting, project teams, or answering to a boss.
I believe that everyone should have their own personal definition of what success means to them.
My definition of success for me is: doing what I want to do, when I want to do it ... and being paid very, very well for it.
And freelance writing has given me the level of success I desire....
I get paid very well - earning $12,000 a week ... all from freelance writing.
I have often more in a month than the average American makes in a year!
But more important, I do what I want to do - write.
And, I write what I want, when I want to write it ... picking and choosing from an endless array of fascinating writing projects - on subjects ranging from global warming to online gambling, fuel cells to oil and gas exploration.
All this ... or whatever freelance writing success you desire ... can be yours, too. And much sooner than you think, with..
The $2,000 writer's "coaching service" you can download now for only $29
I have helped dozens of writers take their freelance writing careers to the next level of success. You'll find comments from just a sampling of them at left.
Many writers have paid me as much as $2,000 or more to coach them in their writing careers ... and have told me they've made back that investment several times over from my advice.
I've put the best of the techniques and strategies I taught those students into my new writer's manual, Write and Grow Rich.
But it won't cost you $2,000 or even $200 to profit from the ideas in Write and Grow Rich.
In this big 110-page manual, you get dozens of my best strategies for making six figures as a freelance writer ... for the very reasonable one-time "coaching fee" of only $29.
And that's what I charge you only if my ideas work for you. If they don't, the cost is zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada....
My $1,000 guarantee
That's right. If, after reviewing Write and Grow Rich, you don't agree that my six-figure writing strategies will make you at least an additional $1,000 in writing income ... or much, much more than that ... just let me know within 90 days.
We'll refund your $29 payment in full. No questions asked. That way, you risk nothing.
So, what are you waiting for? In 30 days, you could be no closer to your dream of being a high-income freelance writer than you are right now ... or you could be on track to make $100,000 or more a year from your writing.
It's entirely up to you.
To order Write and Grow Rich on a 90-day risk-free trial basis, click below now:

Bob Bly
P.S. Order Write and Grow Rich today and you get 3 valuable bonus reports absolutely FREE:
- Special Bonus Report #1: Big Bucks from Annual Report Writing ... You can charge $10,000 or more for writing just one annual report. Find out how to snag these lucrative assignments for yourself!
- Special Bonus Report #2: How to Make Money Writing Speeches... Speechwriting is one of the most lucrative freelance writing specialties, paying as much as $5,000 for a single 20-minute speech … and with the average speaker talking 120 words a minute, that’s equivalent in length to a 3-page magazine article – for which you might get paid only a few hundred dollars. Which fee sounds better to you? That’s what I thought!
- Special Report #3: Twelve Ways to Increase Your Article Sales ... I've published more than 100 articles -- and after reading this report, you'll be able to sell more of your articles, and become a widely published magazine writer.
To order Write and Grow Rich on a 90-day, money-back trial basis ... and get your 3 FREE Bonus Reports ... click below now: